
Despite Swampy Conditions Auction Draws Large Crowd

Saturday, March 12, Berning Auction held their annual Farm Equipment consignment auction at the Wichita County Fairgrounds on the east side of town. Mother Nature decided to remind attendees that it was not yet spring, forcing them to traipse around grounds that were a swampy mess from melting snow.


The time is fast approaching once again when the WCJSHS Indians will be entering postseason play. The Native Sun encourages all Wichita County residents to join us in supporting our local athletes and academics.

Gardner Receives $1,000 Scholarship from Wheatland Electric

Leoti, Kan. – Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WEC) is proud to announce that Wyatt Gardner, senior at Wichita County High School, was awarded a $1,000 scholarship Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at WEC’s annual meeting in Great Bend, Kan. Each year, WEC awards a $1,000 scholarship to one high school senior from each of the thirteen high schools in WEC’s service territory, as well as one at-large scholarship for a student who does not attend one of these schools but has a parent or guardian that is a WEC member.

Biel Selected To Represent Wheatland Electric At Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp

GREAT BEND–Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WEC) congratulates Brooke Beck, a junior at Conway Springs High School and Anna Biel, a junior at Wichita County High School. These two outstanding students were selected to represent WEC at Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp this summer and were recognized at WEC’s annual meeting in Great Bend, Kan. on April 24, 2024.

Crue Larson Is New Member of American Angus Association

Crue Larson, Leoti, Kansas, is a new junior member of the American Angus Association, reports Mark McCully, CEO of the national organization with headquarters in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Junior members of the Association are eligible to register cattle in the American Angus Association, participate in programs conducted by the National Junior Angus Association and take part in Association-sponsored shows and other national and regional events.

It's National Nurses Week

National Nurses Week is celebrated from May 6 to May 12 every year. The week is just a part of the larger National Nurses Month, which is celebrated from May 1 to 31. During this time, nurses are recognized for their service and dedication to caring for others and for improving the health of their patients. Throughout the week, healthcare organizations celebrate their teams, often featuring nurses on local news broadcasts. It is a time for people across the nation thank the nurses who have made a difference in their lives.

Super News

During the week of May 6th through May 10th, USD 467 will be celebrating Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. District personnel and the National Honor Society members are collaborating with volunteer, Eryka Smith, to coordinate several fun days for teachers and staff. Teachers spend time finding ways to positively impact their students’ lives, and they deserve to be celebrated for the wonderful job they do. USD 467 is fortunate to have many excellent and caring educators. Without the support of staff members, teachers’ jobs would be much more challenging, so it is the perfect time to recognize our support staff as well.